Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Louise Heinrich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Heinrich, 944 Ninth street, and J. Edward Shea, which was solemnized this morning at St. Peter's Catholic church in South Beloit, the Rev. Father Donohue officiating. Attendants were Miss Leona Lloyd and W. L. Shea, brother of the bridegroom. Only immediate relatives were present.
Following the ceremony a four course wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Shea, 607 Ingersoll place, South Beloit.
Mr. Shea is employed by the Obsolute Contractor company and his bride has held a position at the Juvenile Shoe factory. After a wedding trip to Chicago and Milwaukee they will be at home after Dec. 1 at 607 Ingersoll place, South Beloit.
(Printed in the Beloit Daily News Wednesday November 15, 1922 Edition)